Tag: learn wine

  • Cast in Concrete: Ancient winemaking technique makes a trendy comeback!

    Cast in Concrete: Ancient winemaking technique makes a trendy comeback!

    Winemakers have long regarded French oak barrels as the supreme choice for maturing wines. But as new techniques emerge and make way for alternative choices, producers are revisiting an ancient trend of using concrete, egg-shaped vessels for fermenting and ageing their wines. Whats the big deal about them? Sommelier Devati Mallick ‘egg’-splores…

  • What are wine ‘diamonds’?

    What are wine ‘diamonds’?

    Have you ever opened a terrific bottle of wine that you had been waiting to open for months or years, only to be confronted with tiny, glass crystal like particles stuck to the underside of the cork? At first glance, they appear to be tiny, broken diamond fragments, but heck, why is there glass in the wine?…